The Light Within

The Light Within by Lisa Kirk was our very first publication and all the initial print run has been sold. However, you can still find this gem in e-book format at the locations to the right. We are looking to have "The Light Within" reprinted in softcover in the next year or so.

This story features Saint Frances and a little girl who is having a hard time opening her heart to all the love that surrounds her. Although Saint Frances is traditionally a Christian character, the tale is non-denominational and features the thread of love that runs through all religions or spiritual messages.

This book represents many years in the creation process and will appeal to all ages as the description from the back describes:

In some ways, this is a love story... between the frightened child that lives within all of us and the greater spirit that holds us safe. In some ways, it is a parable about the journey from fear to love of self, of life, and of the spirit within. This story was given to the author in much the same manner as a dream, and was received with the knowledge that its gift was personal and also universal.

This is a story for the young and for the old, because the journey of the child to The Light Within knows no age.

Check out the samples on the left by clicking each image for a detailed view!
The Light Within
is available in two popular e-book formats. You can purchase it for your e-reader or tablet from either Amazon or iBooks by clicking the links below.